marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

Game over

Story in 6 acts

An imaginary story,
made with frameworks of different times and places,
but some of you will probably find in it...


Remind me...

The struggle

The memory

The Bluff

Game over...

Log: Moments and people in my way

An ordinary day...
for some kids of these days

Parallel lifes
and nothing more...

Return of the prodigal son
There are young people that leave home
in hopes of fame and glory,
some goes lost... others find their way home

Passengers through life...
some are statues...
some grow old...
others just invisible

Hostile times
bad weather is the mirror the human soul

King Nothing
a mountain, a tree and a man...
what else is out there?

Escaping from myself

marți, 9 noiembrie 2010

From country, with love

De mic copil am iubit natura, ori de cate ori am simtit ca viata ma trage in jos, mi-am gasit puterea in mijlocul ei.
Sunt un norocos sa am o sotie care-mi impartaseste pasiunea pentru drumetii si frumusetea naturii. Asa ca de cate ori avem ocazia, evadam din cotidian.
Departe de oras, de fum, trafic, rautate, cinism, snobism, prostie si tot ce este urat, ne refugiem in simplitatea vietii de la tara, si aici ma refer la acele locuri unde asa zisa civilizatie nu a ajuns.
Imi iau pantofii de drum lung, familia si aparatul foto si...pornesc la drum.
In drumurile mele, Măria sa, Natura nu m-a dezamagit niciodata, ci dimpotriva oamenii au facut-o...
Dar prefer sa impartasesc lucrurile frumoase vazute de aparatul meu foto...

Since I was a child, I loved nature, whenever I felt that life takes me down,
I found strength in its midst.
I am a fortunate to have a wife who shares my passion for hiking and nature.
So whenever we have opportunity, we escape from daily routine.
Away from the city, smoke, traffic, malice, cynicism, snobbery, stupidity and everything that is ugly,
we take refuge in the simplicity of country life, and here I refer to those places
where the so-called civilization has not reached.
I take the long road shoes, my family, my camera and... hit the road.
In my journey
, His Majesty, Nature does not disappoint me, but rather people did...
But I prefer to share the beautiful things seen by my camera ...

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010

Shadow: friend or foe?

chasing shadows 01

chasing shadows 02

chasing shadows 03

chasing shadows 04

chasing shadows 05

escaping the shadow 01

escaping the shadow 02

escaping the shadow 03

escaping the shadow 04